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Travel Distance

Bus stops can change from year to year based on where students live. We are committed to these maximum distance from a student's house to the bus stop:

  • Kindergarten and 1st Grade: door-to-door
  • PES: 3/10 of a mile 
  • PMS and PHS: 1/2 of a mile

Bus Route Questions

Bus routes are set annually. Routes can change from year to year depending on the location of the homes of our students. The District will only consider adjustments to bus routes after the first two weeks of school. This is to allow time for families, students, and the drivers to settle in their routines. The time allows the bus company to get a sense of the number of students riding each bus. If you have questions, you may call or email our bus transportation provider, Student Transportation of America, at [email protected] or (603) 589-9205.

Bus Information

Each bus is equipped with two cameras that provide both audio and video recording inside each bus. The School Board adopted Policy EEAA that permits audio recording on our buses.